Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Sneaking Away

Again I woke up before anyone else was up in the flat. Before brushing my teeth I tiptoed to the window and looked out into the mountains. They are so close yet so far. We had a quick breakfast, a typical bread, butter, kalbasa, cheese and honey with tea and hurried off to the local “Baraholca” or market. The congested streets were suffocating, and the smoggy air didn’t help much either.  My father and brother wanted to get souvenirs to take back home. I don’t care too much for “stuff” so I just followed my aunt and my father along the market. We spent what seems like the entire day there and still needed to get groceries for the excursion we planned for the next day.

I was finally dropped off at my cousins house and I asked him to drop me off 3km from his place to meet with someone I had met on instagram. I got tons of flak from my family for it. “Who is she?” “What if you get kidnapped?” “What if you get mugged?” just some of the questions my Aunt Leah asked of me. I came across some pictures of Kazakhstan that Elina had taken and come to find out she was from Almaty. I got a hold of her and arranged to meet her and have her show me around. We met in a small park and after a short introduction we made our way to the Presidential Park on foot. Along the way we passed “Kazak-Film” a massive territory with film studios. She told me of her father, who was also a mountain seeking man who worked in a museum, a good contact to have for when I come back to do more exploring.

The presidential Park was filled with visitors. There was a large pillared structure with gates for an entrance. Just beyond the gates a series of water falls that surround a main fountain. I regretted not taking my camera instantly. We strolled our way around the fountain dodging bubbles that a group of toddlers where shooting just ahead of us. The park was massive and we kept fallowing it uphill along paved walkways that were lined with flowers and gardens. Just ahead of us an intoxicated Kazakh duo belched out a song I did not recognize. The two had probably been out celebrating and started the night early and strong. The path eventually led to a peak on which and observatory was built. You could see the entire Almaty cityscape from up here. We chatted a while longer and made our way back to the park entrance. I waved down a taxi, a man approached and asked where I was headed. After I answered him he continued walking to the woman behind me that had been waiving as well. She needed to go further than I so he chose her over me. I waved again and a random car stopped. Two young Kazakhs asked me where I needed to go, and how much I would pay. I answered both and they agreed and I was on the way to getting dropped off at my cousin’s house.

Photos of park not mine. I did not bring my camera along.

I went to sleep unsatisfied, the mountains teasing me every time I would look to the south. I was glad that I was able to run off on my own with Elina to show me around a bit. We took back streets and alleys and it was liberating. I dislike being sheltered and was happy that I got to explore the city a bit on foot.

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